Literally get your future of flying off-the-ground by taking the first step – a Discovery Flight. Here's what the discovery flight experience will be like so you can know what to expect when you arrive at Crystal Air and how to prepare!
Book a Discovery Flight to get started on your journey to becoming a pilot today.
Call us to schedule a Discovery Flight! Your instructor will show you the basics of flight and let you get a feel for the controls. We will discuss all your options and pricing and answer any questions.
We offer several training aircraft with various pricing. Our instructor fees are $65/hour. Every individual is different, and total costs will vary depending on how often a person flies and how quickly they can retain and execute information! Contact us HERE or give us a call at 423-236-5100 for more information.
We do not offer financing but do have loyalty programs. Some of our customers do seek out loans through private banking institutions.
Our instructors have flexible schedules to meet you at a time that works best for you.
Consistency is key, but occasionally we like to have other instructors fly with someone to check on proficiency of learning. If you feel like you need to make a change we have several instructors for you to find the right fit!
We have 6 training aircraft equipped with glass cockpit instrumentation. Please see our Flight Instruction page for a complete description of our fleet.
Stop just dreaming about flying, and take the first step to become a licensed pilot.